Kendo file upload example
Kendo file upload example

  • Keyboard navigation-The FileSelect supports a number of keyboard shortcuts for processing various commands.Kendo textbox set value javascript Ideally, users fill in the form with necessary information and finish the job successfully.
  • Accessibility-The Upload is accessible for screen readers and supports WAI-ARIA attributes.
  • kendo file upload example

    Globalization-All Kendo UI for Angular Uploads provide globalization options.Credentials and additional data-The Upload allows you to decide whether to send cookies and headers for cross-site requests or additional data during the upload or removal of files.Templates-You can either fully customize the Upload file list by using the File template, or customize part of its elements by utilizing the File Info template.External dropzone-The Upload provides options to the users for dragging and dropping files from their files systems to a dedicated user interface by using the External DropZone Component or by adding the External DropZone Directive.File restrictions-The Upload also delivers a set of file restriction rules, which refer to the size and extension of the files for upload.Disabled Upload-You can use the configuration options of the Upload to disable the component so that users are not able to interact with it.Model binding-The Upload provides settings for binding its value to the model and render initial files by using the ngModel Angular directive.

    kendo file upload example

    Forms support-You can use the Upload both in template-driven and reactive Angular forms.Action buttons-The Upload enables you to render action buttons and customize their layout.Chunk upload-The chunk upload feature of the Upload component enables you to split files into chunks and send them asynchronously through multiple requests to the server.Batch upload-The batch upload feature of the Upload component enables you to show files, which were selected at once, as a single file-list item and upload them in a single POST request.File processing-The Upload delivers a number of options when processing the files for upload such as uploading single and multiple files, uploading files in chunks and batches of files, and more.

    Kendo file upload example